| The website for the hamlet of Shrawley in Worcestershire
House Description
CLERK’S FOLD 3 acres most likely NICHOLLs
1445 JOHN NICHOLLS died held of Lord a messuage with croft adjacent ,a parcel of land called
CLERKES alias NICHOLLS perservice military 1 heriot due to Lord cow priced 6s 8d
(Court Record)
1598 JOHN CLERK alias Gylberte - passed to RICHARD STONE - 28th year of Elizabeth 1st
Clerkes Fold . Found between land of Robert Cook and Highway leading from Parsonage to
Worcester on West
BA 7335/18 iii 705:7
This indenture made the 17th day of April in the eighth and twentieth year of the reigne of our
soveraigne Lady Elizabeth by the yeare of God Queen of England , France and Ireland defender of the
faythe between JOHN CLERKE alias GYLBERTS of Shrawley in the County of Worcester wean? of
the one party and RICHARD STONE of the same parish and county hiusbandman of the other part
Witnesseth that the sayd JOHN for and in consideration of the somme of ffower pounds ffower
shillings of lawful money of England to him before said payd by the sayd RICHARD whereof . And
whereof the sayd JOHN CLERKE alias GYLBERTS acknowledgeth himself fully satisfied and thereof
and of any parcel thereof thereby acquitteth and dischargeth the said RICHARD STONE his executors
administrators and assigns and any of them hath demised and granted and to form lett And by this
present doth demise grante and to form lett unto the said RICHARD STONE all that one leasow
pasture called or known by the name of CLERKES FEYLD containing by estymacion three acres or
thereabouts sett and lyinge beinge in Shrawley aforesaid in the sayd county of Worcester betweene the
land then of one ROBERT COOK on the first parte and the Common Highway leading from the
parsonage of Shrawley aforesaid towards the city of Worcester and now in the tenure and occupation of
the sayd RICHARD STONE except and always returned to the said JOHN and his heirs and assigns all
and all manner of fruits of trees growing upon the premises with free rights over regres in and upon
sayd leasow , pasture or arable field to and for sayd term his heirs and assigns for the gatheringe and
fetching away of the same to have and to hold all the sayd leasow pasture or arable field with the
pasture called CLERKES FIELD his executors and assigns from the day of the Feast of the
purification of our blessed lady the virgin Mary last past before one yere from?? From next and
immediately followinge and from henceforth fully to be completed and ended yielding and payinge
therefore yearly during the sayd terme to the sayd JOHN CLERKE alias GYLBERTS his heirs and
assigns one barley round at the feast of Saint Michael of Angell only for all man? Of rent service
exaccons and demands whatsoever And the sayd JOHN CLERKE alias GYLBERTS for him his heirs
executors administrators and assigns and duly any of them doth covenant.
1445 JOHN NICHOLLS died held of Lord a messuage with croft adjacent ,a parcel of land called
CLERKES alias NICHOLLS perservice military 1 heriot due to Lord cow priced 6s 8d
(Court Record)
1598 JOHN CLERK alias Gylberte - passed to RICHARD STONE - 28th year of Elizabeth 1st
Clerkes Fold . Found between land of Robert Cook and Highway leading from Parsonage to
Worcester on West
BA 7335/18 iii 705:7
This indenture made the 17th day of April in the eighth and twentieth year of the reigne of our
soveraigne Lady Elizabeth by the yeare of God Queen of England , France and Ireland defender of the
faythe between JOHN CLERKE alias GYLBERTS of Shrawley in the County of Worcester wean? of
the one party and RICHARD STONE of the same parish and county hiusbandman of the other part
Witnesseth that the sayd JOHN for and in consideration of the somme of ffower pounds ffower
shillings of lawful money of England to him before said payd by the sayd RICHARD whereof . And
whereof the sayd JOHN CLERKE alias GYLBERTS acknowledgeth himself fully satisfied and thereof
and of any parcel thereof thereby acquitteth and dischargeth the said RICHARD STONE his executors
administrators and assigns and any of them hath demised and granted and to form lett And by this
present doth demise grante and to form lett unto the said RICHARD STONE all that one leasow
pasture called or known by the name of CLERKES FEYLD containing by estymacion three acres or
thereabouts sett and lyinge beinge in Shrawley aforesaid in the sayd county of Worcester betweene the
land then of one ROBERT COOK on the first parte and the Common Highway leading from the
parsonage of Shrawley aforesaid towards the city of Worcester and now in the tenure and occupation of
the sayd RICHARD STONE except and always returned to the said JOHN and his heirs and assigns all
and all manner of fruits of trees growing upon the premises with free rights over regres in and upon
sayd leasow , pasture or arable field to and for sayd term his heirs and assigns for the gatheringe and
fetching away of the same to have and to hold all the sayd leasow pasture or arable field with the
pasture called CLERKES FIELD his executors and assigns from the day of the Feast of the
purification of our blessed lady the virgin Mary last past before one yere from?? From next and
immediately followinge and from henceforth fully to be completed and ended yielding and payinge
therefore yearly during the sayd terme to the sayd JOHN CLERKE alias GYLBERTS his heirs and
assigns one barley round at the feast of Saint Michael of Angell only for all man? Of rent service
exaccons and demands whatsoever And the sayd JOHN CLERKE alias GYLBERTS for him his heirs
executors administrators and assigns and duly any of them doth covenant.
In June 1841 ...
In March 1851 ...
In April 1861 ... Thomas Adkins lived here until Feb th 1863
In April 1871 ...
In April 1881 ...
In April 1891 ...
In March 1901 ...
In April 1911 ...
In September 1939 ...
History from 1940 to recent times
In 2020 ...
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